“Lesbian Lives: Visibility, Activism, Women’s Rights” a conference for women 16-17 September 2023
Some of the women who attended (with fabulous banners in the background):
Sarah, Natalie, Anna, Viviane, Denise
Lavender & Carole
Viviane & Lavender
Some of the placards scattered around the hall
The following letter to Australian women is from Anna McCormak announcing the conference.
Dear Women
When was the last time yo u went to a conference where (almost) all the speakers were lesbians, and all the presentations were about lesbian visibility, lesbian activism and lesbian involvement in the women’s rights struggle?
For me, this will be my very first one. That’s possibly because I’m not a lesbian and women’s movement events don’t often focus primarily on the lesbian struggle. I am excited about this conference and so proud that IWD Meanjin Brisbane is hosting it. That’s largely because lesbians are on the front line in women’s struggle against gender ideology and sex self-identification.
I want to acknowledge the efforts of Helen Daintree who is working with me in organising this conference.
The conference is open to lesbians and other women – but not ALL other women. If you forward this email to a friend and she wants to register, she’ll need to mention you as someone who can vouch for her when she returns her registration form. Otherwise, as usual, I will vet everyone who wants to attend to ensure we will be safe.
There are three themes to this conference:
- The significance to the current struggles for women’s sex-based rights of a deeper understanding of lesbian oppression – as women and, at the same time, as women who are same sex attracted.
- Why feminist lesbians left (or never joined) LGBT lobby /political organisations. Lesbian insights for organising to protect women’s sex based rights from the agenda of those lobby groups.
- The medium to long term history and experience of lesbian struggles in Australia – wins and losses
The registration cost for the conference is:
Solidarity rate $100 or more
Regular rate $82
For women on full Age Pensions or Single Parent benefits $55
A Single day attendance $55
Registration includes lunch on each day plus coffee, tea, biscuits.
A conference dinner will be held at a local restaurant on Saturday 16 September. The cost of the dinner is not included in conference registration.
The program is below to help you to decide. You can see from the program there are lots of opportunities for discussion and networking. The registration form is also attached. Download the document and complete it. Then deposit your registration fee. Then return the form. Registrations will close on Monday 28 August ,but earlier registration will be appreciated.
For a registation form,, email admin@coal.org.au
“Lesbian Lives: Visibility, Activism and Women’s Rights”
16 September Day One
“Lesbian Lives: Visibility, Activism and Women’s Rights”
16 September Day One
Time | What | Detail | Who |
11.00am | Registration & Sales
Coffee |
Anna | |
11.30am | Off video
Advise of dinner arrangements, we’ll leave at 5.45pm |
Helen |
11.45am | On video
Chair: Helen |
Welcome and Introduction
Purpose |
Helen |
11.55pm | What is IWD Meanjin Brisbane?
Background to IWD MB hosting this conference |
Anna | |
12.10pm | ‘Lesbian Shame in the Age of Pride’ | Tracey Olverson | |
12.30pm | ‘The Thirty Year Fight for Exclusive Lesbian Born Female Gatherings’ | Jean Taylor | |
12.50pm | Lunch | ||
2pm | ‘Transgender and the Erasure of Lesbianism’ | Denise Thompson | |
2.20pm | ‘Fixity and fluidity in sexual orientation’ | Holly Lawford-Smith | |
2.40pm | ‘Lesbians: The experience of colonisation, violence and erasure’ | Susan Hawthorne wrote the paper, it will be presented by another woman. | |
3pm | Panel Q and A | End Video after Speaker 5 at 3pm | |
4pm | Facilitated Small Groups | ||
5pm | Report back | ||
5.30pm | Housekeeping | Helen | |
5.45pm | Leave for Dinner |
“Lesbian Lives: Visibility, Activism and Women’s Rights”
17 September Day Two
10am | Off video
Housekeeping: Chair Sales and Coffee |
10.15am | On video | Introduction and Welcome to Day 2 | Chair |
10.20am | ‘Theorising heterosexuality as ideology and system’ | Bronwyn Winter wrote the paper, to be presented by Helen Daintree | |
10.40am | ‘Lesbian Separatism: Consequences + Contributions Toward Women’s Community’ | TBA at event | |
11am | ‘Lesbian Rights are Human Rights: The Personal is Political and the Political is Personal’ | Lavender | |
11.20am | ‘Here come the lesbians: the soundtracks of activism’ | Helen Daintree | |
11.40am | Off video | Panel Q and A | |
12.10pm | Lunch | ||
1pm | Facilitated Small Group Discussions | ||
2pm | Report back | ||
2.15 | Where do we go from here | All | |
2.45 pm
3pm |
Draw raffle
Farewell and possible walk at Indigiscapes or Cleveland Pt. OR go for drinks |
Chair |