Fighting for lesbian rights in New Zealand and Australia
Here is a link to an account of a recent meeting of 100 or so people gathered in Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) to listen to women talk about women’s rights, the rights of kids, the rights of lesbians and gay men, and human rights generally. The event was focused on the Tickle v Giggle case under way in Australia. Those who spoke and those who attended demonstraed how lesbians and other women will not be silenced when we speak truths that challenge the lies being spread about so-called ‘gender identity.’ CoAL is especially concerned about how these lies are falsely convincing lesbians to be ashamed about our sexual orientation, to be ashamed about our beautiful female bodies, and to subject themselves to self harm mediated by unethical health professionals in the gender identity industry. The consequences are lifelong medicalisation, loss 0f sexual function. poor health and even death. We urge you to spread this news, especially as most media outlets around the world have been scared into silence. Lesbophobia and misogyny muset not be allowed to scare us into silence. Lesbian liberation requires us to act despite our fears. No-one is ever born in the wrong body!!!