Cass Final report released in UK
Dr Hilary Cass has submitted her final report and recommendations to NHS England in her role as Chair of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people. You can read her report at this link.
LGB Allianc UK has published an extensive analysis that includes issues relevant to lesbians. You can read their response at this link.
Highlights from LGB Alliance response:
‘As Cass notes, most of the teenagers involved are lesbian, bisexual or gay: she quotes figures from the GIDS service in 2016 (Holt et al., 2016; the most recent data available) which reported sexual orientation in 57% (97) of a clinic sample of patients over 12 years of age for whom this information was available. 68% of girls were only attracted to other girls and 21% to both girls and boys. In the case of boys, 42% were attracted to other boys and 39% to both girls and boys. (p. 18). In other words, 89% of girls and 81% of boys were either homosexual or bisexual. These are extraordinary figures. But gay teens aren’t sick. If they mistake their emerging sexual orientation for a “gender identity” issue, they need assurance that it is fine to be gay, lesbian or bisexual, not affirmation that they are the opposite sex and that drugs and surgery will relieve their distress.’
‘It is not commonly known that most of those seeking “gender care” are LGB teenagers, and in particular lesbians. The public perception is doubtless influenced by the fact that LGBTQ+ support groups mainly endorse “gender affirming care” (Appendix 9, p. 7), in which a girl who says she is a boy must be affirmed in that belief. LGB Alliance emphatically rejects that view.”A survey of detransitioners found that 23% gave homophobia or difficulty accepting themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual as a reason for transition and subsequent detransition (p. 188). LGB Alliance is pleased that these figures will now finally reach a wider public, but full of sadness and frustration that it has taken so long.’
‘On children and young people in general:
“Clinicians should apply the assessment framework developed by the Review’s Clinical Expert Group, to ensure children/ young people referred to NHS gender services receive a holistic assessment of their needs to inform an individualised care plan. This should include screening for neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism spectrum disorder, and a mental health assessment.”
Our comments
The key word here is “holistic”. All too often, distress about emerging sexual orientation and diverse other factors are ignored, and the focus is entirely on “gender”.’
On research:
“The evidence base underpinning medical and non-medical interventions in this clinical area must be improved. Following our earlier recommendation to establish a puberty blocker trial, which has been taken forward by NHS England, we further recommend a full programme of research be established.”
Our comments
Although this is obvious, those who promote the “gender-affirming” approach consistently resist calls for research in this area. After all, children “know who they are”.’
(The Report) ‘provides stark if overdue proof of the need to separate TQ+ activism from LGB groups. Why? Because all TQ+ groups campaign vigorously for the “gender affirming” approach to minors with gender dysphoria – from social “transition” to puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and mastectomies. The findings of the Cass Review make it indisputably clear that such support is not just misguided but harmful – especially to LGB teens.’