Lesbian Action Group Herstory

Herstory of LAG action to create lesbian space at the Victorian Pride Centre in 2023

August 2023: LAG initiated a coordinated campaign to claim lesbian space. More details can be found here.

25 September 2023: Preliminary view released by AHRC of LAG’s application for exemption from the Anti Discrimination Act in order to hold a lesbian only function at the Melbourne Pride Centre. the AHRC concluded ‘it is not persuaded that it is appropriate and reasonable to grant the exemption to the Lesbian Action Group’. Link to AHRC preliminary decision here.

26 September 2023: LAG update report link here.

27 September 2023: interview by LOTL of Nicole about LAG here.

17 September 2023: Victorian Parliament House Speak Out link here.

12 October 2023: AHRC  summary decision is here. AHRC overview of the LAG application, with links to submissions received and decisions made. Link is here.

8 November 2023: LAG applied to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review of the Decision. Reasons submitted for LAG’s application shown here. Link to Statement of Facts  Issues and Contentions.