Coal activism

CoAL’s constitution, established in 1994 with the organisation’s formation, describes the focus of our activism in Article Two: Purpose and Object of COAL.

COAL recognises the need for a central body to network other Lesbian groups, both in Australia and internationally.

The objective shall be:
1. To inform Lesbians in Australia, and other supportive women, about all relevant United Nations and other international meetings.
2. To demand the inclusion of the rights of Lesbians in recommendations to all relevant United Nations and other international meetings.
3. To advocate for the rights of Lesbians at all United Nations international and regional meetings and all Non-Government Organisations’ meetings.
4. To lobby at all levels of government, i.e. Federal, State and Local, to ensure the rights of Lesbians are presented from an Australian national perspective.
5. To participate at all relevant meetings held in Australia to present our recommendations for the rights of Lesbians.
6. To evaluate and monitor Australian responses at all levels of government i.e. Federal, State and Local, to ensure that the principles inherent in all covenants are implemented at the local level.
7. To lobby for the inclusion of international covenants ratified by the Australian government, to be incorporated into domestic law.
8. To network internationally to pursue the rights of Lesbians.
9. To conduct meetings, lectures, courses, and other activities dealing with the objectives of COAL.
