Campaign against NSW Labor’s ‘Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill’
On Wednesday 13 March 2024 Michael Daley, Attorney General, introduced the Conversion Practices Ban Bill 2024 into the Legislative Assembly, the Lower House of the NSW Parliament and on 20 March it was passed . Penny Sharpe, Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council and Minister for Energy, Climate Change, Environment & Heritage, introduced the Bill into the Upper House where it was also passed despite our best efforts to stop it. We understood the legislation was pushed through at an undemocratic speed to satisfy the religious lobby groups (eg, Faith NSW, Adventist Schools Australia, Australian Association of Christian Schools, Christian Schools Australia, Islamic Schools Association of Australia and the NSW Council of Churches). After a very late night session, and passionate speeches against the bill by people like Susan Carter (Liberal) and John Ruddick (Libertarian), only 4 people voted against it, according to Ruddick: himself, Tania Mihailuk (One Nation), Robert Borsak and Mark Banasiak (Shooters, Fishers & Farmers). So disappointing!!!
We are critical of Labor’s acceptance of gender identity ideology and now of extending its legislative incorporation into our laws. It is not progressive social justice as it is the new gay conversion, based on and reinforcing homophobia. Gender confused lesbians can now use medicine to change the appearance of their body to make them look like a man and still have a girlfriend and marry her with the approval of homophobic family, friends and their workplace. It looks like the plastic surgery and other treatments will all be subsidised under Medicare, too.
This is a masssively retrograde step that we will continue to fight, not only for the political reasons of lesbian and women’s rights (eg to safe women-only spaces) but also lesbian rights to safe and ethical medical practices.
In the meantime, we watch and anticipate the wave of legal action against health practitioners and others responsible for this highly inequitable legislative reform and its harmful outcomes in medical clinics aross the state, as is already happening elsewhere in Australia and overseas.
CoAL Action Taken
See below.
The passing of the Conversion Practices Ban Act 2024 means now is the time to lodge your strong protest. Call and visit your local MP, email MPs in the Lower and Upper Houses of Parliament, break the silence among your friends and relatives. It is not ‘kind’ to stay silent; our silence allows injustices to children, lesbians, women and gay men, and any others who are gender confused.
Despite the Minns government’s secrecy, CoAL believes that NSW Labor will table its own version of a ‘gender conversion’ Act in Parliament soon (possibly 14 March 2024).
This is the time to initiate, or renew, your personal campaign FOR legislation that prohibits homosexuality conversion practices *and* AGAINST legislation that prohibits ‘gender conversion.’
Alex Greenwich’s proposed Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill 2023 defines the purpose of his proposed Act as ‘to denounce and prohibit change or suppression practices.’ It gives a definition of conversion practices that conflates ‘gender identity’ with sexuality. Moreover, it assumes that ‘gender identity’ is a fixed characteristic–that a person is ‘born this way’ (similar to a common belief about sexual orientation). Yet ‘gender detransitioners’ prove a complexity that the TQ+ campaign denies, and see Christina Buttons ‘Crossing the Line’.
A gender conversion Act is a political strategy to link past popular LGB campaigns that were against (now discredited) attempts to use psychiatry and religions to oppress lesbians and gay men with current TQ+ campaigns that promote the ‘gender affirmation ‘ model. This model has little supporting evidence and denies other possible problematic causes for ‘gender dysphoria’ (eg, psychological disturbances from sexual fetishes, childhood trauma, internalised homophobia of one’s own–or the health professional’s–lesbian or gay sexuality, and/or a range of neurodiverse conditions). TQ+ campaigns focus on a person’s gender non-conforming behaviours or attitudes as a problem while denying that the concept of gender identity has roots in sexual fetishes.
CoAL believes that ‘gender affirmation’ is another harmful form of gay conversion that is often based on a person’s gender non-conforming behaviours, is homophobic at its core, and builds on and magnifies body discomfort/hatred and dissociation of body from mind arising from patriarchal power relations between the sexes. We urge you to resist!
- Petition NSW MPs
- If you live in NSW, send a copy of the briefing document CoAL analysis of the ‘Dentons’ document and any other supporting documentation (eg, see below) with your letter of protest to NSW MPs, especially:
The CoAL analysis of the ‘Dentons’ document critically examines Only Adults? Good Practices in Legal Gender Recognition for Youth, a report produced in 2019 by IGLYO, Dentons and the Thomas Reuters Foundation. Using 3 exposés, we show that the ‘Dentons’ document is a manual for coopting governments & corporations to the TQ+ Agenda.
The groundwork for the Dentons document was laid in the Yogyakarta Principles (2006, 2017), which were based on queer and gender identity ideology that inappropriately used a human rights social justice framework. Large sections of the LGB movement have adopted these ideas and are now driving global social and legislative changes using strategies set out in the Denton’s document that actually work against lesbian and gay liberation.
After reading the CoAL analysis, we hope you, and others who read it, will have gained a better understanding of how it is not possible for a person to ‘change their sex.’ We also hope you will no longer support sex self-ID as a valid social justice cause, which it is not.
- If you live in Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania or the ACT, email the NSW Premier, Chris Minns, to tell him how the new gender and conversion practices legislation in your state is causing harm.
- Read widely.

Other Organisations that CoAL is collaborating with on this campaign
- WRNA (Respect our Sex campaigns)
- LGB Alliance.
From mid-2023, CoAL has collaborated with other organisations (AF4WR, WRNA, LGB Alliance Australia) and individuals in NSW. Our first strategy of protest was to petition selected NSW MPs in November and make our views known against the Gender Conversion Ban part of Alex Greenwich’s proposed legislation. Unfortunately, many of the ‘progressive’ Labor MPs have been very resistant, so CoAL decided, with the groups in our NSW Collaboration, to focus on MPs who might be more open to our message and were in a range of different political parties, some of whom we would not support in their other policy areas.
Viviane Morrigan, CoAL Public Officer, accompanied a delegation of AF4WR (Bronwyn Winter), LGB Alliance Australia (Mike David) and Professor Dianna Kenny to a meeting in Parliament with Susan Carter (MLC, member of the Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Attorney General, Shadow Assistant Special Minister of State, and Shadow Assistant Minister for Corrections).
A copy of the letter we sent to her beforehand is shown below.
SUBJECT: Stop gender affirmation–it harms health and our rights
Sun 26/11/2023 11:28 PM
TO: The Hon Susan Carter MLC
Dear Mrs Carter
Thank you for including Viviane Morrigan from COAL in a meeting to be held on Tuesday 28 November at 3 pm in your parliamentary office.
This is to outline COAL’s concerns, on behalf of lesbians in NSW (as for throughout Australia), regarding some of the proposed bill prohibiting LGBTQI+ conversion practices. Unless the gender components of this bill are removed, its support of the gender industry would have harmful repercussions, not only on young people (including lesbians) who might use gender clinic services, but also indirectly on women’s sex-based rights through increased acceptance in Australian law and policy of the false idea that gender is the same as sex.
CoAL is a United Nations accredited non-government organisation that advocates for the rights of lesbians in Australia. We fully support a ban on *gay* conversion practices, as a sex-based right for lesbians (and gay men) to express their sexual orientation. Many still bear the scars of past medical conversion scandals; do you want to be identified with a scandal of even greater proportions?
We urge NSW Parliament not to make the fatal mistake of including ‘gender’ and ‘gender’ conversion in legislation that will come back to haunt them.
Gender is *not* the same as sex or sexual orientation. This confusion has led to the ‘affirmation model’ in Australian gender clinics becoming, itself, an irreversibly harmful gay conversion practice. Children, who might otherwise develop into happy and healthy adults enjoying fulfilling relationships, many of whom would otherwise be lesbian or gay, instead are becoming trapped in a poor imitation of heterosexual relations with poor health outcomes.
Conflation of sex with gender leads to the same laws that ban ‘conversion’ of ‘transgender identity’ making it legal to use experimental medical and psychological practices on children who mistakenly believe they were ‘born in the wrong body;’ biopsychosocial in-depth psychotherapy, usually recommended for trauma, etc would be banned. In other words, a ban on gender identity conversion would lead to a process of ‘medicalised dehumanisation‘ to convert healthy sexed bodies into ‘trans’ bodies.
‘Gender conversion’ is a trojan horse label applied by TQ+ pressure groups to good biopsychosocial counselling, in order to prevent it being provided to confused or questioning young people or children while they (and their parents) wait to see if they will lose their disphoria as they mature. The label also could be used by those political groups against anyone who questions a person’s ‘gender identity’, leading to expensive litigation against those who transgress gender dogma.
We point out that many health professionals and governments have been asking questions, admitting their errors and realigning their laws and policies. Robert Wintemute, Professor of Human Rights Law at Kings College London, an expert on anti-discrimination law and sexual orientation law and one of the co-authors of the influential “Yogyakarta Principles,” has stated the ‘international human rights community got it wrong in merging lesbian and gay rights with the idea of a right to have a “gender identity” replacing sex-based rights. The authors had failed to consider women’s rights, and that fully intact males would seek to access female-only spaces and now causing significant problems for women, including lesbians, and our rights.
Dutch experts have recently criticised the Dutch protocol of “gender affirming care” as unsound. And the head of WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) has even admitted that early intervention with puberty blockers leads to permanent sexual dysfunction. Furthermore, the UK NHS has recently stopped the routine offer of puberty-blocking drugs to children at gender identity clinics because of the lack of evidence about their benefits and harms. Clinicians in Denmark, Finland and Sweden have significantly restricted access to puberty blockers, hormones and surgery, while promoting therapeutic counselling and emotional support.
In Australia, gender medicine’s methods and poor evidence base are being questioned by experts (eg, in NSW, Western Australia and Queensland, and by the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists). The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) stands out for its recommendation that assessment and treatment of gender dysphoria be based on the best available evidence and fully explore the person’s gender identity and the biopsychosocial context (italics added) from which this has emerged. While their position statement is currently under review, psychiatry’s cautious response to the gender controversy can be best understood in terms of its stigmatised history in the medicalisation of same-sex attraction. We point out that genetic counselling health professionals, stigmatised by their historical role in eugenics, adopted a non-directive model for their practice, a model that belies (unintended) outcomes. The affirmative model used in the gender clinic is not appropriate either because it, also, neglects the harmful impact on the individuals ‘making their choices’ as well as the societal norms, corporate and professional interests, and government policies that shape those individual choices.
Scientific evidence must be placed before political expediency and cultish dogma. The Dutch Protocol of affirmation is being exposed as poor science. Parents who may be your constituents are most alarmed at harm to their children by gender medicine, by legal ‘solutions’ and by teaching of gender ideology in schools. De-transitioners in Australia and internationally (eg, Bell 2021, Cole 2023), tell of being rapidly processed onto a medicalised path of prescribed puberty blockers and/or cross-sex hormones despite little evidence of research on harms and benefits. They are beginning to litigate and family law barrister Belle Lane has warned the Australian judiciary on the risks of the “gender-affirming” treatment approach (Lane 2023a, 2023b), while medical insurers in Australia are withdrawing protection to frontier gender medicine.
Children accessing gender medicine are being denied the right to good health care. Enormous increases in numbers of troubled children and young people—many of whom are lesbian and gay—are presenting at gender clinics in Australia and elsewhere, only to be over-diagnosed, over-treated or subjected to iatrogenic harm. A large number also have other underlying, and often disregarded, problems, such as autism, eating disorders, a history of trauma, or mental health issues. Distressingly, questioning researchers have found that such issues for the children and young people presenting at Westmead Children’s Hospital with gender dysphoria were being ignored. This is a denial of the rights of those children and young people to good health care using NSW health services.
Make NSW the first place in Australia to put a pause to harmful gender medicine.
We understand that the NSW Minister for Health announced in July an inquiry into gender services for this state but is finding an inquiry into gender medicine politically difficult. We call for a transparent and unbiased inquiry be held as soon as possible, to address the many questions being raised and/or suppressed. Most recently, another political outsider has asked for an inquiry, this time in the South Australian parliament. Do not be tempted to dismiss all this questioning; there are genuine concerns about safeguarding the health of vulnerable children and young people confused by gender ideology; and the undermining of women’s rights by encouraging the idea that the category of ‘sex’ can be replaced by that of ‘gender’. This is a controversy that must not be avoided any further by institutional capture, which has led to the adoption of gender ideology within Australian policy and law biased towards QT+ pressure groups’ rhetoric and myths (AF4WR 2023). Help make just laws using reasoned argument and material evidence to refuse gender legislation that harms women and girls, including lesbians.
CoAL urges the NSW Parliament to listen to those of us outside the TQ+ party line–the ‘silenced majority,’ largely silenced by the political and economic power of gender ideologues, such as ACON, and resulting neglect by media schooled by TQ interest groups. LGBTQ+ umbrella groups do not speak for most of us. Lesbians and gays are a heterogeneous mix of different cultures with different and, sometimes, conflicting life experiences and therefore unmet rights and needs. We emphasise that our aim is not to harm those who identify as transgender; rather, it is one of legislation that truly aims at harm reduction and prevention, and we do not accept that speaking about biological facts is harmful.
The right legislative action is crucial to protecting the rights of NSW citizens.
Virginia Mansel Lees Convenor Email:
NSW contact Dr Viviane Morrigan Public Officer
Viviane and other NSW CoAL members also carried out grass roots campaigning, such as leafletting local letterboxes, and speaking with members of the public at markets and shopping centres. We also paricipated in Speak Outs organised by WRNA outside Parliament House.
Email CoAL sent to the Editor, Sydney Morning Herald on 26 November 2023 (not published)
We refer to two recent articles in The Sydney Morning Herald (‘NSW Labor delays gay conversion laws after pleas from churches, LGBTQ groups” by Alexandra Smith on Friday 24 November and “Talking trans: adolescents, gender transition and the conversations we need to have” by Michael Bachelard in Good Weekend on Saturday 25 November 2023).
We congratulate the Minns government for delaying legislation about conversion practices that have become politically ‘sensitive’. However, we point out that the government continues to avoid talking to representatives of the campaign against gender conversion being run by feminists, lesbians and gays who are not conservative nor identify as ‘TQ’, such as Women’s Rights Network Australia (WRNA), LGB Alliance Australia and CoAL. We all support sex-based legislation that bans gay conversion practices, which are well overdue, but ask that any gender-based legislation be deferred for further consideration, preferably with a Commission of Inquiry, to examine the complex issues that are clouding debate.
We are very concerned about the rapid spread of the ‘gender affirmation’ model in gender clinics around Australia (and the world), which lacks rigorous evidence of efficacy and safety. Threats that, unless the young person is ‘affirmed’ in their preferred ‘gender identity,’ they might commit suicide are not supported by reliable evidence either; it would be worth your while to assign an investigative reporter to get forensic data on suicides by people who have attended a gender clinic.
People who attend gender clinics are suffering from real emotional problems, but they need appropriate biopsychosocial counselling that considers the possibly multiple contributing factors already widely recognised, including the role of past trauma, their possible autism, or their fears of their own homosexuality. And professionals, parents and others should not be criminalised for questioning, rather than affirming, gender.
Virginia Mansel Lees
Coalition of Activist Lesbians (CoAL)
Phone: xxx
Sydney contact
Viviane Morrigan
Public Officer
Coalition of Activist Lesbians (CoAL)
Phone: xxx
Speak Out outside Parliament House 21 November 2023
The Speak Out organised by WRNA and held in Martin Place near Parliament House was attended well by women from WRNA and CoAL. About ten of us gave speeches that were videorecorded. You can read a copy of the speech given by Viviane Morrigan on behalf of CoAL here and watch the WRNA website for a full videorecording.
We had contingency plans if we were harassed by organised hostile activists or others. Thankfully, there was no trouble. On the down side, we were ignored by media and many of the passersby, though a few people stopped to engage in discussion.
We had a visit from John Ruddick, a right-wing libertarian climate change denier and member of the Liberal Democrats, elected to the Legislative Council this year, and his staffer, who listened to our speakers and told us he would not vote for the proposed legislation. CoAL does not support his politics but it’s good to learn of his position on this bill.
For an overview of the campaign as at 23.11.23, read this.
Email CoAL sent to NSW ALP Parliamentarians
Subject: Stop gender affirmation—it’s a gay conversion practice
Email text:
We write to express our concerns on behalf of lesbians in NSW (as for throughout Australia) regarding some of the Labor Government’s proposed bill prohibiting LGBTQI+ conversion practices. Unless the gender components of this bill are removed, its support of the gender industry would have harmful repercussions for lesbians (and other women and girls as well as gays and other men and boys).
CoAL is a United Nations accredited non-government organisation that advocates for the rights of lesbians in Australia. We fully support a ban on *gay* conversion practices, as a sex-based right for lesbians (and gay men) to express their sexual orientation. Many still bear the scars of past medical conversion scandals; do you want to be identified with a scandal of even greater proportions?
We understand that the NSW Minister for Health announced in July an inquiry into gender services for this state and we call for a transparent and unbiased inquiry to be held as soon as possible. We urge NSW Labor not to make the fatal mistake of including ‘gender’ and ‘gender’ conversion in legislation that will come back to haunt them. Gender is *not* the same as sex or sexual orientation. This confusion has led to the ‘affirmation model’ in Australian gender clinics becoming, itself, an irreversibly harmful gay conversion practice. Children, who might otherwise develop into happy and healthy adults enjoying fulfilling relationships, many of whom would otherwise be lesbian or gay, instead are becoming trapped in a poor imitation of heterosexual relations.
Enormous increases in numbers of troubled children and young people—many of whom are lesbian and gay—are presenting at gender clinics in Australia and elsewhere, only to be over-diagnosed, over-treated or subjected to iatrogenic harm. A large number also have other underlying, and often disregarded, problems, such as autism, eating disorders, a history of trauma, or mental health issues. Distressingly, researchers have found that such issues for the children presenting at Westmead Children’s Hospital with gender dysphoria were being ignored.
Conflation of sex with gender leads to the same laws that ban ‘conversion’ of ‘transgender identity’ making it legal to use experimental medical and psychological practices on children who mistakenly believe they were ‘born in the wrong body’, while biopsychosocial in-depth psychotherapy, usually recommended for trauma, etc would be banned. In other words, a ban on gender identity conversion would lead to a process of ‘medicalised dehumanisation’ to convert healthy sexed bodies into ‘trans’ bodies.
Make NSW the first place in Australia to put a pause to harmful gender medicine. We understand that the NSW government is finding an inquiry into gender medicine politically difficult, and we call for an urgent re-assessment of that mistaken indecision. Most recently, another political outsider has asked for an inquiry, this time in the South Australian parliament. Do not be tempted to dismiss all this questioning as ‘non-progressive’; there are genuine concerns about safeguarding the health of vulnerable children and young people confused by gender ideology. This is a controversy that must not be avoided any further by institutional capture, which has led to the adoption of gender ideology within Australian policy and law biased towards QT+ pressure groups’ rhetoric and myths (AF4WR 2023), rather than reasoned argument and material evidence, producing significant injustices to lesbians.
And we point out that questioning has been leading to governments and health professionals challenging gender dogma. The UK NHS has recently stopped the routine offer of puberty-blocking drugs to children at gender identity clinics because of the lack of evidence about their benefits and harms. Clinicians in Denmark, Finland and Sweden have significantly restricted access to puberty blockers, hormones and surgery, while promoting therapeutic counselling and emotional support. Furthermore, Dutch experts have recently criticised the Dutch protocol of “gender affirming care” as unsound. The head of WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) has even admitted that early intervention with puberty blockers leads to permanent sexual dysfunction. Robert Wintemute, Professor of Human Rights Law at Kings College London, an expert on anti-discrimination law and sexual orientation law and one of the co-authors of the influential “Yogyakarta Principles,” has stated the ‘international human rights community got it wrong in merging lesbian and gay rights with the idea of a right to have “gender identity” replace sex because women’s rights were not considered and the authors “failed to consider” that fully intact males would seek to access female-only spaces.
In Australia, gender medicine’s methods and poor evidence base are being questioned by experts (eg, in NSW, Western Australia and Queensland, and by the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists). The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) stands out for its recommendation that assessment and treatment of gender dysphoria be based on the best available evidence and fully explore the person’s gender identity and the biopsychosocial context (italics added) from which this has emerged. While their position statement is currently under review, psychiatry’s cautious response to the gender controversy can be best understood in terms of its stigmatised history in the medicalisation of same-sex attraction. We point out that genetic counselling health professionals, stigmatised by their historical role in eugenics, adopted a non-directive model for their practice, a model that belies (unintended) outcomes. The affirmative model used in the gender clinic is not appropriate either because it, also, neglects the harmful impact on the individuals ‘making their choices’ as well as the societal norms, corporate and professional interests, and government policies that shape those individual choices.
Scientific evidence must be placed before cultish dogma. The Dutch Protocol of affirmation is being exposed as poor science. Parents who are your constituents are most alarmed at harm to their children by gender medicine, by legal ‘solutions’ and by teaching of gender ideology in schools De-transitioners in Australia and internationally (eg, Bell 2021, Cole 2023, tell of being rapidly processed onto a medicalised path of prescribed puberty blockers and/or cross-sex hormones despite little evidence of research on harms and benefits. They are beginning to litigate and family law barrister Belle Lane has warned the Australian judiciary on the risks of the “gender-affirming” treatment approach (Lane 2023a, 2023b), while medical insurers in Australia are withdrawing protection to frontier gender medicine.
CoAL urges the government to listen to those of us outside the TQ+ party line–the ‘silenced majority,’ largely silenced by the political and economic power of gender ideologues, such as ACON, and resulting neglect by media schooled by TQ interest groups. LGBTQ+ umbrella groups do not speak for most of us. Lesbians and gays are a heterogeneous mix of different cultures with different and, sometimes, conflicting life experiences and therefore unmet rights and needs. We emphasise that our aim is not to harm those who identify as transgender; rather, it is one of harm reduction and prevention, and we do not accept that speaking about biological facts is harmful. Attached is a selection of leaflets we have been distributing, including an invitation to a Speak Out to be held tomorrow that has been organised by a consortium of concerned lesbian, gay and feminist organisations
We therefore request an urgent meeting with you to discuss these issues raised by the bill.
Virginia Mansel Lees
Phone: xxx
NSW contact
Dr Viviane Morrigan
Phone: xxx
Email CoAL sent to all other NSW Parliamentarians
We write to express our concerns on behalf of lesbians in NSW (as for throughout Australia) regarding some of the proposed bill prohibiting LGBTQI+ conversion practices. Unless the gender components of this bill are removed, its support of the gender industry would have harmful repercussions for lesbians (and other women and girls as well as gays and other men and boys).
CoAL is a United Nations accredited non-government organisation that advocates for the rights of lesbians in Australia. We fully support a ban on *gay* conversion practices, as a sex-based right for lesbians (and gay men) to express their sexual orientation. Many still bear the scars of past medical conversion scandals; do you want to be identified with a scandal of even greater proportions?
We understand that the NSW Minister for Health announced in July an inquiry into gender services for this state and we have called for a transparent and unbiased inquiry to be held as soon as possible. We urge NSW Parliament not to make the fatal mistake of including ‘gender’ and ‘gender’ conversion in legislation that will come back to haunt them. Gender is *not* the same as sex or sexual orientation. This confusion has led to the ‘affirmation model’ in Australian gender clinics becoming, itself, an irreversibly harmful gay conversion practice. Children, who might otherwise develop into happy and healthy adults enjoying fulfilling relationships, many of whom would otherwise be lesbian or gay, instead are becoming trapped in a poor imitation of heterosexual relations.
Enormous increases in numbers of troubled children and young people—many of whom are lesbian and gay—are presenting at gender clinics in Australia and elsewhere, only to be over-diagnosed, over-treated or subjected to iatrogenic harm. A large number also have other underlying, and often disregarded, problems, such as autism, eating disorders, a history of trauma, or mental health issues. Distressingly, researchers have found that such issues for the children presenting at Westmead Children’s Hospital with gender dysphoria were being ignored.
Conflation of sex with gender leads to the same laws that ban ‘conversion’ of ‘transgender identity’ making it legal to use experimental medical and psychological practices on children who mistakenly believe they were ‘born in the wrong body’, while biopsychosocial in-depth psychotherapy, usually recommended for trauma, etc would be banned. In other words, a ban on gender identity conversion would lead to a process of ‘medicalised dehumanisation’ to convert healthy sexed bodies into ‘trans’ bodies.
Make NSW the first place in Australia to put a pause to harmful gender medicine. We understand that the NSW government is finding an inquiry into gender medicine politically difficult, and we have called for an urgent re-assessment of that mistaken indecision. Most recently, another political outsider has asked for an inquiry, this time in the South Australian parliament. Do not be tempted to dismiss all this questioning; there are genuine concerns about safeguarding the health of vulnerable children and young people confused by gender ideology. This is a controversy that must not be avoided any further by institutional capture, which has led to the adoption of gender ideology within Australian policy and law biased towards QT+ pressure groups’ rhetoric and myths (AF4WR 2023), rather than reasoned argument and material evidence, producing significant injustices to lesbians.
And we point out that questioning has been leading to governments and health professionals challenging gender dogma. The UK NHS has recently stopped the routine offer of puberty-blocking drugs to children at gender identity clinics because of the lack of evidence about their benefits and harms. Clinicians in Denmark, Finland and Sweden have significantly restricted access to puberty blockers, hormones and surgery, while promoting therapeutic counselling and emotional support. Furthermore, Dutch experts have recently criticised the Dutch protocol of “gender affirming care” as unsound. The head of WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) has even admitted that early intervention with puberty blockers leads to permanent sexual dysfunction. Robert Wintemute, Professor of Human Rights Law at Kings College London, an expert on anti-discrimination law and sexual orientation law and one of the co-authors of the influential “Yogyakarta Principles,” has stated the ‘international human rights community got it wrong in merging lesbian and gay rights with the idea of a right to have “gender identity” replace sex because women’s rights were not considered and the authors “failed to consider” that fully intact males would seek to access female-only spaces.
In Australia, gender medicine’s methods and poor evidence base are being questioned by experts (eg, in NSW, Western Australia and Queensland, and by the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists). The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) stands out for its recommendation that assessment and treatment of gender dysphoria be based on the best available evidence and fully explore the person’s gender identity and the biopsychosocial context (italics added) from which this has emerged. While their position statement is currently under review, psychiatry’s cautious response to the gender controversy can be best understood in terms of its stigmatised history in the medicalisation of same-sex attraction. We point out that genetic counselling health professionals, stigmatised by their historical role in eugenics, adopted a non-directive model for their practice, a model that belies (unintended) outcomes. The affirmative model used in the gender clinic is not appropriate either because it, also, neglects the harmful impact on the individuals ‘making their choices’ as well as the societal norms, corporate and professional interests, and government policies that shape those individual choices.
Scientific evidence must be placed before cultish dogma. The Dutch Protocol of affirmation is being exposed as poor science. Parents who are your constituents are most alarmed at harm to their children by gender medicine, by legal ‘solutions’ and by teaching of gender ideology in schools De-transitioners in Australia and internationally (eg, Bell 2021, Cole 2023, tell of being rapidly processed onto a medicalised path of prescribed puberty blockers and/or cross-sex hormones despite little evidence of research on harms and benefits. They are beginning to litigate and family law barrister Belle Lane has warned the Australian judiciary on the risks of the “gender-affirming” treatment approach (Lane 2023a, 2023b), while medical insurers in Australia are withdrawing protection to frontier gender medicine.
CoAL urges the NSW Parliament to listen to those of us outside the TQ+ party line–the ‘silenced majority,’ largely silenced by the political and economic power of gender ideologues, such as ACON, and resulting neglect by media schooled by TQ interest groups. LGBTQ+ umbrella groups do not speak for most of us. Lesbians and gays are a heterogeneous mix of different cultures with different and, sometimes, conflicting life experiences and therefore unmet rights and needs. We emphasise that our aim is not to harm those who identify as transgender; rather, it is one of harm reduction and prevention, and we do not accept that speaking about biological facts is harmful. Attached is a selection of leaflets we have been distributing, including an invitation to a Speak Out to be held tomorrow that has been organised by a consortium of concerned lesbian, gay and feminist organisations
We therefore request an urgent meeting with you to discuss these issues raised by the bill.
Virginia Mansel Lees
NSW contact
Dr Viviane Morrigan
Phone: xxx
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