Other lesbian activism

Under construction–incomplete

Australia & New Zealand

A leadership and support group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lesbians and same sex attracted women..


Lesbian Action Group

Victorian Pride Centre action by LAG (August 2023)

LAG has initiated a coordinated campaign. More details can be found on our  webpages ‘Victorian Pride Centre action by LAG’ here.

Lesbian Action for Visibility Aotearoa

A group of lesbians committed to working for lesbian¹ visibility and sex-based women’s rights.’  For LAVA v NZ Pride go to link here.

Lesbians Incorporated. A community grant program for lesbians.

Sydney Ten Forty beginnings arose from a four-day conference Held at Lake Cullulleraine, Victoria during Easter 1987. The conference was called ‘Ten Forty’ (ten-plus years of feminism, women over forty) and the aim was for feminists to discuss ageing and ageism. The last Ten Forty conference was held in 1997.

In 1990 Sydney Ten Forty had  begun fund-raising social activities to cover costs of travel to the conferences. These developed into bi-monthly meetings, now called Dinner and Discussion evenings, and are held on the first Saturday of every second month.  in 1993, lesbians from Ten Forty in Sydney formed a housing group, which was incorporated in 1994 as Matrix Guild NSW, to investigate funding sources for “the old dykes home.” A similar group is functioning in Victoria. However, the Sydney group eventually decided women’s needs differ widely and that one housing unit funded or supported by Matrix could not satisfy all its members. (Paraphrased from their website)



  • Get the L Out
  • Lesbian Alliance
  •  Resisters United
  • Lesbian Labour


  • WoLF
  • OLOC

Languages other than English